
Screenshots Features Planned Features Bug and feature requests Releases SVN What's new

What Leet-Generator is:

1337-Generator is plaintext to leettext convert. It uses GTK+-2.x for the graphical userinterface. It is mainly written for Linux but should also be able to be compiled for Windows®. It is very easy to be used. You just enter your text into the inputfield and click on convert. Now the program converts your input into leetcode.


1337-Generator main window
1337-Generator main window



Planned features:

Bug and feature requests:

Bugreports can be found and made on the projects bugtracker at sourceforge.net. Please look for known bugs befor write a new one.
Feature requests made at the projects feature requests page on sourceforge.net.


1337-Generator depends on >=GTK+-2.8.
Current and previous releases can be downloaded at the projects filesection on sourceforge.net.

Current release: leet-generator 0.2 (2007-02-13)

SVN Repository:

The 1337-Generator SVN-Repository is available at https://leet-generator.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/leet-generator/
To checkout the latest version run the following command:
svn co https://leet-generator.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/leet-generator/trunk leet-generator
There is now a new subdirectory called leet-generator with the latest sources in it. Now change into the leet-generator directory and execute:
make install

What's new:

Version 0.2 (2007-02-13)
	* inserted open/save/save as plaintext file functions
	* inserted open/save/save as leettext file functions
	* renamed "convert button" to "convert to leettext" button
	* inserted "convert to plaintext" button
	* implemented edit menu functions (cut, copy, paste and delete)

Version 0.1 (2007-02-10)
	* First release
	* German translation

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Copyright ©2007 by Florian Sievers
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